Example Sentences
Instead, restrictions could focus on crowded, poorly ventilated spaces like restaurants and bars.
So work outside or in a well-ventilated area, like a garage with the door open.
Initially in the pandemic, the thought was to try to mechanically ventilate patients earlier.
They are especially important in crowded and poorly ventilated areas.
It’s the reason that indoor spaces, particularly poorly ventilated ones, present a particular risk.
Along with installing new roofs, one post-tsunami effort I ran across was also building new, better-ventilated kitchens.
The feelings that John Derbyshire ventilated—where did they come from?
It was well lighted and ventilated, and every child of whatever age could touch its feet to the floor.
You must have your rooms well ventilated if you wish to avoid fainting and discomfort.
On the east is a modern post-office, dirty and badly ventilated, and some half-finished Government buildings.
Thyrsis went, and found a working-men's meeting-room, ill-lighted and ill-ventilated, with perhaps two hundred people in it.
The rooms are lofty, with cupolas, and all of them very carefully ventilated.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.