

View definitions for valiant effort

valiant effort

noun as in college try

noun as in old college try

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“I put up a valiant effort for Megan Hilty, but I was very happy to get Kath McPhee,” he laughs.

New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg made a valiant effort to speak Spanish at a press conference about Hurricane Irene.

He made a valiant effort to keep his presence of mind and hold his nerves steady.

Whereupon he made a valiant effort to recover the old ground, to get out of the new atmosphere into the old, cheering air.

She was just in time to see her mother wiping her own eyes and making a valiant effort to smile.

He knew that the tug with the two relief men would make a valiant effort to reach the lighthouse at the earliest possible moment.

It should therefore not be represented as a play, but rather as a manly and valiant effort.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


