adjective as in incomplete
adjective as in unfinished
Strongest matches
Weak matches
- amateurish
- crude
- cut short
- dabbling
- defective
- deficient
- dilettante
- faulty
- formless
- found wanting
- fragmentary
- half-baked
- half-done
- immature
- imperfect
- in the making
- in the rough
- lacking
- natural
- not done
- plain
- raw
- rough
- roughhewn
- shapeless
- sketchy
- tentative
- unaccomplished
- unassembled
- uncompleted
- unconcluded
- under construction
- undone
- unfashioned
- unperfected
- unpolished
- unrefined
- wanting
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Example Sentences
Commissions poured in upon him, yet he left them unexecuted.
From Project Gutenberg
The sentence, "in the day thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die," was not suffered to go unexecuted.
From Project Gutenberg
The latter work, however, was interrupted on account of adverse criticisms from Michelangelo, and it remained unexecuted.
From Project Gutenberg
How many purposes unexecuted lie like wrecks along the shores of our past history.
From Project Gutenberg
He also had been privy to the unexecuted plot, and was willing to tell what he knew, but knew much less to tell.
From Project Gutenberg
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.