turned around
Example Sentences
Everything turned around and we pulled it together, got our act together for the big ten.
He seemed to get a little turned around on the way but managed to reach what might have been presumed to be his destination.
Also shot by Goude, it features Kardashian with her back to the camera and her head turned around facing it.
Unsure whether his assailants were following him, he turned around and fired back with his AK-47.
So he turned around, and got in the back of the golf cart that was supposed to take him back to his car.
Squinty turned around, standing on the edge of the little brook, and waited, his heart beating faster and faster.
He got to his knees on the front seat, turned around so that he could sight out the back window.
But he then turned around three times and lay down beside Jess, apparently satisfied at last.
Taking a drink he turned around with the remark, "I can die just as easily as I took that drink of water."
Amri read the bill; then he turned around in his chair and looked out of the window.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.