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You traversed so many conflicting emotions in such a short time for that bedroom scene.

The route we took traversed mostly Pa-O land, a tribe that has an interesting tradition when it comes to marriage.

Brooks has traversed these seemingly divergent paths ever since.

The sea of shiny starlets with perfect curls parted as McCain, in a cream-colored suit and close-cropped hair, traversed the room.

Actress Kate Bosworth, who traversed the building's packed roof to squeeze into the bar, admitted she hadn't been to the fair.

Worst danger zone, the open sea, now traversed, but on land not yet out of the wood.

Edna had not traversed a quarter of the distance on her way home before she was overtaken by Robert.

In consequence of this regulation, the streets may be traversed with safety at any hour of the night.

As the ill-assorted pair advanced, the streets they traversed seemed to grow narrower and dirtier.

The great Dam at Assouan was just completed and we traversed its entire length on a trolley propelled by natives.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


