noun as in discourse
noun as in dissertation
noun as in exposition
Strong matches
- account
- analysis
- annotation
- article
- comment
- commentary
- composition
- construal
- construction
- critique
- delineation
- details
- discourse
- discussion
- disquisition
- dissertation
- editorial
- elucidation
- enucleation
- enunciation
- essay
- exegesis
- explanation
- explication
- expounding
- history
- illustration
- interpretation
- monograph
- paper
- piece
- presentation
- report
- review
- statement
- story
- study
- tale
- text
- theme
- thesis
- tract
- treatise
Weak matches
noun as in memoir
noun as in pamphlet
noun as in thesis
Weak match
noun as in treatise
Example Sentences
Which ancient tractate will she expect the assembled legislators to learn from then?
The tractate is described as a very elaborate and learned compilation from the Fathers upon the sanctity of the Sabbath.
Then there is a commentary on the "Cantica of Avicenna," and a tractate on the "Theriac."
The imperfections include the first leaf, and two leaves in the second chapitre of the fourth tractate, the end is all right.
He realized in the cultivation of himself his definition of education, given in his tractate 'Of Education.
In his Tractate on Education there is not a word on the education of girls, and yet he wanted an intellectual female companion.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.