Example Sentences
This is done by adding nutrients to the soil, such as bagged topsoil and compost, when the seeds go in the ground.
When local ranchers and farmers say that they are fifth-generation residents, the reality is that their recent histories are topsoil.
The state loses an estimated 190 million tons of its rich topsoil each year.
Clarke proposed to get local companies to donate cement for the statue’s new home, he’d pay for topsoil and crushed granite himself and the trustees who run the cemetery were willing to give over some land.
“We’re pretty proud of the fact that we don’t tear up the topsoil,” said Paul Mikesell, founder and CEO of Carbon Robotics, the manufacturer of the Autonomous Weeder.
In Brazil the best soil is known as terra roxa, a topsoil of red clay three or four feet thick with a gravel subsoil.
Bless the red-skins who bred maize, the great preserver of life and damn them for breeding maize the great destroyer of topsoil.
The Indian celt no doubt fell from the topsoil while the trench in which the wall was built was being excavated.
The topsoil and the humus may be a little mixed, but we are not going to sort them out by hand.
The prairie vole makes a tortuous network of paths through the grass and honeycombs the topsoil with its tunnels.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.