noun as in opportuneness
Strong matches
Weak match
Example Sentences
Be doesn’t feel like a permanent shift away from the band’s varied framework so much as, perhaps, a timely thesis statement.
Retailers can now deliver more valuable and timely messages.
For Dems, it’s imperative they win both Georgia Senate seats to have a fighting chance of passing substantive legislation in a timely manner, if at all.
Savvy homeowners replace common household items in a timely fashion.
When the broadcast news business served the role of information gatekeeper, it was saddled with public interest obligations such as sharing timely, local, and relevant information.
This outpouring of anger was heavily lacking in reason, spellcheck, and timeliness.
As religious interpretation of news started to decline in the 18th century, an emphasis on timeliness increased.
For the sake of timeliness, Third Man did it in just one step.
But the book has a timeliness that Kalfus may not have foreseen.
It was the extreme timeliness of the gifts that proved the guiding intelligence behind them.
Doubtless his timorousness was as great as theirs, only his timeliness was less.
This brings us to the second reason for our topic namely, its timeliness.
It is the timeliness of great events that marks real genius, and the largest wisdom.
The other gentlemen had exchanged glances which expressed unanimity as to the timeliness of their presence.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.