

View definitions for tea room

tea room

noun as in cafeteria

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In the Russian Tea Room, it was the third time I had interviewed Rivers.

There was no sense of the tragedy to come at The Russian Tea Room in New York City in late July.

For highbrow patrons who are more familiar with Tolstoy than Ivan Drago, head to the Russian Tea Room.

Having saved some capital, she embarks on a down-town tea room.

And Mary, sure that he was now on the right track, went back to the tea-room with the announcement that the Doctor was coming.

At home my chums and I used to part with our pocket money at a tea-room called Sargents.

Captain Finch brought his erect, handsome form, his kind, foolish face no more to the tea-room.

Towards the latter he mounted with a lingering step, as if not quite aware that he did so, and followed her into the tea-room.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


