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noun as in imposing taxes

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It’s just one of a series of new taxation strategies that a host of countries are embracing to adapt to a world transformed by the pandemic, technology and globalization in ways unimaginable even a decade ago.

From Ozy

It’s a classic case of “taxation without representation,” critics say.

From Fortune

Policy advocates argue that traditional property taxation discourages people from using land productively by raising their costs if they want to make improvements.

The community’s impoverished farmers found their goods seized in taxation and used to feed the army.

From Ozy

Economists have long understood that taxation can have a distortionary effect on our economy, discouraging things we want more of, such as commerce.

In America, low turnout is the new black eye for a country founded on “no taxation without representation.”

Taxes are an obvious benchmark, since right now, employed teenagers are literally subjected to taxation without representation.

The marginal rate of taxation applies much more heavily on the secondary wage.

They support progressive taxation, they support many or even most categories of government spending, and so on.

“Taxation Without Representation” is on many license plates.

Regular taxation, monopolies, mortgages, and loans barely sufficed to provide for the budget.

And it cannot do this unless it continues to use the terrific engine of taxation already fashioned in the war.

Clearly, it was no mere question of taxation but the larger question of legislative independence that now confronted Americans.

The court said the game would not work, that for the purposes of taxation the concern must be regarded as an individual.

This provision also had the effect of preventing the imposition of taxation upon the community by means of railway rates.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


