

View definitions for taking down

taking down

verb as in write down

verb as in humble

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And lefties are hailing him as a Batman-like vigilante for taking down a Fox News superfan.

Sean Augustine, the editor of the Columbia Lion, told me janitors were taking down the lists almost as soon as they went up.

Kimberly Munley was shot three times taking down Nidal Hasan in 2009.

The clerk was taking down the facts about her: name, address, age, and so on.

“As we sped away, we saw the security guard taking down the license plate of the van, which was rented,” says Abramsohn.

In a calm moment that followed the child piped, without taking down her hands.

After taking down from the poles the plants should be packed in order to keep moist until stripped.

Taking down a calendar from the wall, he laid it beside the paper on the table before the too eager lawyer.

"I shall not disturb you, Lawless," said I, taking down a book.

I remember once taking down the book, and trying to read some of it: I could not; it's the dullest rubbish ever written.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


