swearing in
noun as in solemn promise
Example Sentences
The swearing-in ceremony was delayed only briefly before continuing.
Kevin Fallon on the quirk of history that demands two swearing-in ceremonies for this particular president.
Young master Taft took the book with him to the swearing-in of his father, William Howard Taft, apparently to stave off boredom.
Ten of John Boehner's 11 brothers and sisters were on hand for his swearing-in as House speaker.
After that, representatives dispersed for individual photo-op swearing-in ceremonies.
I was present at the swearing-in and shortly thereafter the President's plane took off for the Washington area.
I have also to represent the State in a military capacity, at the swearing-in of recruits and the presentation of colours.
The plane took off promptly after the swearing-in ceremonies.
Our next time, we had waited until Judge Sarah Hughes had arrived for the swearing-in ceremonies.
And were you present during the swearing-in ceremonies of President Johnson?
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.