noun as in prima donna
Example Sentences
It’s the fatigue of being in your home, trying to be Superman or Superwoman with your time, family and being pulled in a million different directions.
Of course, despite the presence of Sigourney Weaver, superwoman supreme, the original Ghostbusters is not a female-driven comedy.
Talking points aside, what would a date with the domestic superwoman actually look like?
His compatibility with the domestic superwoman herself was “fabulous,” a site representative told him.
And one thing it’s been lampooning since the beginning is the idea of the superwoman who can ‘do it all.
Hilda Wangel is the "superwoman," who will suffer nothing to stand between her and the realisation of herself.
Between fatigue and the nervous strain of maintaining the superwoman pitch for the benefit of her friends, her mind was confused.
If ever anybody worked to woo and win and hold a human soul, she did, great superwoman that she was.
Where he would depict a heartless, ambitious adventuress Bruce would see a glorified and heroic superwoman.
It would take a superwoman to endure, without herself surrendering, the ignominy of having lived under this roof.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.