noun as in execution
Strong matches
Weak matches
noun as in stricture
Strongest match
Example Sentences
Sarah Covington Anderson faced the same charges, with an added assault by strangulation.
The coroner would also note the tiny hemorrhages that accompany strangulation.
A coroner ruled that she had died from suffocation or strangulation.
The Los Angeles County Coroner is reporting that Davis died from blunt force trauma to the head and manual strangulation.
She was severely beaten, with a dozen broken ribs, a lacerated liver, and signs of strangulation that included a fractured thorax.
Suddenly the hapless Figgins began to feel strong symptoms of strangulation.
Another grabbed my tie and almost put an end to my suffering through strangulation.
Suffocation or strangulation, as from drowning, hanging, &c.—Symp.
I hope that none of my readers understands by "monogamy" any such system of spiritual strangulation.
Set production free from the strangulation of the profit system.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.