stir things up
Example Sentences
It will stir things up, but it will not begin to demolish the group.
The View has to outrage, stir things up to secure the kinds of publicity its own celebrities court.
I'll show you some figures that may help you to stir things up properly at the New York end.
I say, we ought to go home by a roundabout course, so as to try and stir things up some.
In the conduct of my own affairs I sometimes have seen that it is well enough not to stir things up.
But a week or so ago Florence Hallman came, and she did stir things up in great style!
The change that is undergone at that time seems to stir things up and bring to light any neglected injury.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.