noun as in backbone
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Example Sentences
Only 11 Republicans were able to find the spine to vote with Democrats to strip her of those assignments.
A jolt of pain and energy spiked through my back, traveling up my spine.
Besides revisiting the time when, as an adolescent, he had a major operation to remove a tumor on his spine, Williamson reckoned with a funeral for a sister who died almost half a century ago.
Let your thumbs rest on either side of your spine, right where your trapezius ends.
Engage your abs—again, imagine pulling your belly button toward your spine—to eliminate any gap between your lower back and the floor.
Morris struggled to straighten his back, which involved stiffening a spine rarely used.
The results were awful: marked osteoporosis in the spine, hip, and femur.
He survived, Risner says, but was left permanently injured by a bullet to his spine.
It is a joy to watch Shafer seamlessly work incisive commentary on contemporary life into a fast-paced spine-chiller.
Its spine, too, “‘hubbed’ as the most prized European classics are,” is decorated with delicate gold squiggles and a star.
Another crash, which nearly shut up his spine like a telescope, told him that there were no wings.
A cold, numbing sensation stole down my spine and made my legs grow suddenly weak.
A shudder ran down his spine; there was a sensation of inner cold against his heart; he trembled, but he could not look away.
He was flung down heavily, and pinned prone in a corner by one of those bullies who knelt on his spine.
He felt as if his spine had suddenly become hollow and someone had filled it with particles of ice.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.