verb as in cry hard
Example Sentences
And I was like, “Thank you so much,” and then immediately went to my office a full-sobbed.
I cupped my searing left cheek in my hand as I sobbed, muffling my mouth with the other so not to wake my daughter.
Women fainted, men sobbed, while children in shock picked their way through the crowds of hysterical adults.
We sobbed in unison when Meryl Streep could barely talk about her husband without becoming visibly verklempt and touched.
She laid her head between her arms, and sobbed as if her heart would break.
Then waves of grief broke over her, and she sobbed convulsively; but still she shed no tears.
Mr. Pickwick paused again: Emily and Arabella sobbed audibly.
She sobbed; he lifted her chin with his free hand—and what less could mortal apostle do?
Yes, yes, they both sobbed through the tears, now falling fast; go to Daddont think of us.
Neither of them uttered a word, but clasping each others hands they sobbed and cried together, and O, my God!
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.