

View definitions for single person

single person

noun as in bachelor

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I have never heard a single person wish me a happy one of those.

Up until this point, not a single person had shown interest in helping me, and this was my first break.

Actually, Vee gave Kate Mulgrew more pointers as to who Red is than any other single person.

I like to think we support every single person on the spectrum.

The nine-day tour costs $8,500 per person, with a single-person supplement of $1,800.

Suppose that one single person owned all the food supply of a community isolated from the outside world.

You see something out-doors, or you see a group of people or a single person in an interesting position.

Yet how painful not to be allowed to call at a single house, or to accost a single person we met.

As it was, he passed off the stage, and scarcely left a single person to regret his departure.

The utmost caution was requisite, and the water-course was too contracted to permit more than a single person to work at once.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


