

View definitions for sinecure


noun as in sitting duck

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But, while the title was supposed to be a sinecure, instead Smith went from running for the nation’s highest office to running around trying to rent the highest offices.

From Time

The job is often a sinecure offered to widely admired figures.

By the time of the Reform Bill, a sinecure had become an anachronism.

The business of the worthy padres among them must be a perfect sinecure.

But the man who accepts the position of Indian Agent and conscientiously attends to its duties has no sinecure on his hands.

Tom, however, took his knocks with a good grace, and reaped all the advantage possible out of his dangerous sinecure.

The dean is the presiding officer in chapel: his business is to pull up the absentees—no sinecure, it is said.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


