noun as in pride
Example Sentences
Rather than plunging us into innocent love with an apparent stranger, they beam our conscious self-regard back at ourselves.
And as usual, Dermer levels his accusations with a torrent of intellectual self-regard and little actual evidence.
And I wonder how their high self-regard will affect their ability to practice medicine.
Start viewing them with a bit more respect and people like yourself with a bit less self-regard.
For one thing, it shows an overhealthy self-regard that crosses into delusion.
If they are tainted by any self-regard, then they are not charitable deeds at all.
It was no mean or ungenerous argument which the young Nonconformist pursued in his fervour of youth and wounded self-regard.
His fierce shyness, his arrogant self-regard, are notes of a primitive state.
For a moment her hand pressed hard against her lips, and then her maiden self-regard quietly but strenuously definitely rebelled.
His object is to make gain for himself, and his spirit is therefore a spirit of self-regard.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.