

View definitions for selections


noun as in concert

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“Overdressed and overproduced” is how he described the general selections.

Similarly, the video selections for each contestant were wildly unequal, for no apparent reason.

And your palate will change as you have new experiences and new selections in the wine world.

The remote control contains mode selections for standing, walking, sitting, and stair up and down modes that the user can select.

Maybe Rutgers should add more vegan selections to its cafeteria fare.

Selections for practice should be chosen which contain much variety of thought and feeling and are smooth in movement.

She would not dare to choose, and begged that Mademoiselle Reisz would please herself in her selections.

The better way is to make only two qualities of the wrappers in shading—viz., light and dark cinnamon "selections."

There must be a great many musicians who can play those same selections that we heard him play.

When the selections had finally been made, each war leader made a short, fiery address to his warriors.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


