Example Sentences
The report explains that there are two stages asylum-seekers must go through when apprehended at the border.
Unknowingly, they would inspire younger generations of adventure seekers to venture north.
Others believe Israel should be more welcoming to asylum seekers, considering it was founded by Jewish refugees.
There was a smattering of clean-cut sensation seekers and a few actual Hindus as well.
But the populist limelight-seekers may well have trouble getting along constructively.
They mostly wore the placid expression of folks engaged in business affairs instead of the worried look of pleasure-seekers.
A few small bands of Indians visited the cabin, but as they came from the south they had no news of the gold-seekers.
How society shall protect itself, and especially its high officials, against such notoriety seekers is hard to say.
The open roads for sleighing, and the firm ice for skating, offer many more inducements to pleasure-seekers.
The scientists had evidently arrived at the conclusion while he was flying around over the diamond seekers.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.