verb as in upset, depress
Example Sentences
I sometimes struggle to remember what she looked like, and that truly saddens me.
It saddens me out that a straight man is the voice pop music has chosen for gay rights.
It saddens me deeply that I have no relationship with my mother; I feel that she chose Scientology over her daughters.
It saddens me that young girls and women are still being scrutinized for any so called flaw in their appearance.
He never gets into a lurid passion, never horrifies, but calmly saddens you, in his discourses.
Mr. Congreve's suffering during the journey and your suffering in watching him saddens me as I think of it.
How it saddens the heart to look upon them, and hear their moans!
And yet there is one view of the case which saddens us when we turn our eyes in that direction.
The bright orb sinks behind us, and the quartz rock saddens into a sombre hue.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.