noun as in point of no return
Example Sentences
In most cases, this situation would foretell a Rubicon-crossing nightmare.
Cruz said the companies “crossed the Rubicon” with their actions.
My partner, a fellow Iraq veteran and volunteer with the disaster response nonprofit Team Rubicon, chuckled in agreement.
For the military veteran volunteers of Team Rubicon, it was a challenge to meet and an opportunity to serve again.
Team Rubicon, a disaster relief group led by veterans, earned its stripes volunteering during Sandy.
And I personally am set to read Rubicon this weekend, so I hope you'll do the same.
David has previously reviewed Holland's In the Shadow of the Sword, Persian Fire, and Rubicon.
It will be too late for us to go back then, Susan; the die will be cast, the Rubicon crossed, another poor man undone forever.
Warren quickly vanished among the trees and bowlders, and the Rubicon was crossed.
Meanwhile, Duplay walked home, the happier for having crossed his Rubicon.
They had crossed the Rubicon, and felt that there was no return.
Suppose I believe, for example, "that Caesar crossed the Rubicon."
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.