rough outline
noun as in rough diamond
Example Sentences
From there he began to construct the rough outline of his show.
After six weeks in the woods, I emerged with a rough outline.
It is upon these two lines that Galton and Weismann worked, and we may now follow in rough outline the evidence they adduced.
He gave a rough outline of his various discoveries and at the end of it Ailsa nodded her head gravely.
This is the rough outline of a plan, which the honorable Congress may, should it in any shape be approved, digest into form.
Such, in rough outline, is the great Apology—not quite the work of the fuller or baker at whom Celsus sneered.
I therefore give a rough outline gathered from those who have seen them.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.