noun as in flight
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Example Sentences
She showed up late and confused to her first silent retreat, but Caverly Morgan eventually trained for eight years in silence at a Zen monastery.
“A shameful retreat,” Bob Perciasepe, a former top Environmental Protection Agency official and president of the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions, called the move in an email.
Her retreat was a significant victory for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.
An exception to the retreat was a jump in lending to small businesses driven by the federal Payroll Protection Program that guaranteed loans to employers that kept their workers employed.
The retreat of North America’s ice sheets in the latter years of the last ice age may have begun with “catastrophic” losses of ice into the North Pacific Ocean along the coast of modern-day British Columbia and Alaska, scientists say.
Hamdan also appears to be retreating when the lethal shot is fired.
For retreating in 1999, Sharif was overthrown in a coup by the army commander, Pervez Musharraf, who had planned the Kargil War.
The throng took a collective breath before retreating back behind their office doors.
And President Obama has caused more carnage in Iraq by retreating than other presidents caused by invading.
This was the rear guard of an army that lost a battle, firing one last volley before retreating.
Perry Thomas parted from us at the gate, and we stood watching his retreating figure till we lost it at the bend.
He was a Roman general who was very famous for his ability in retreating, and getting out of an enemy's way.
Kerry glared after the retreating figures for a moment, and a grin of fierce satisfaction revealed his gleaming teeth.
Into the houses, and behind every garden fence and hedge, the retreating Federals gathered.
"He couldn't have meant that," she murmured, as she looked at his retreating figure until it was out of sight.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.