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I resisted it, though I was immediately told by someone in the group that the author reminded him of me.

When two NYPD lieutenants intervened, police say Linsker put the trash can down but resisted arrest.

It seems that the deputies asked him to leave, but Saylor insisted on staying, and perhaps physically resisted them.

And charters have repeatedly resisted attempts to make them transparent.

Sen. Rand Paul, however, resisted gushing--in keeping with his contrarian brand.

Last night I saw Jean Baptiste lying prone upon the floor, and knew that she had beaten him down to it, and he had not resisted.

The temptation to pour his financial troubles into the sympathetic ears of these two dear women he resisted.

He grasped Lola and drew her down on to the arm of the chair by sheer force, for she resisted savagely.

And the other kingdoms, and islands, that at any time had resisted them, they had destroyed and brought under their power.

The author has avoided technicalities, and has also resisted the temptation of the psychologist to indulge in metaphysics.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


