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For instance, it only requires people to wear masks when they’re in indoor public spaces, within six feet of individuals outside their household for, and hanging around for at least 15 minutes.

Karen herself went from acting to dance, which requires real commitment.

From Vox

It doesn’t require the majority of the population to reduce infections and save lives.

One provision in the bill requires public companies to certify to the Securities and Exchange Commission that their products are not made using forced labor from Xinjiang.

All other personnel working at an NFL game are required to wear masks.

The next step is requiring 40 hours of training prior to license approval.

Colbert motored through the entire shoot, never requiring so much as a second take or flubbing a line.

You may have noticed that roughly 100 percent of higher animals reproduce sexually, requiring a male and female partner to do so.

He is perfectly capable of introducing a bill requiring all cars to run on corn stalks instead of gasoline.

And because of laws requiring collaboration between local police and immigration officers, women like me are afraid to seek help.

Impersonation may be more easily achieved intellectually, requiring only keen observation and the power of imitation.

The non-elastic character of water made it unsuitable for a machine requiring a fly-wheel.

It was placed immediately over the shaft and pump-rods, requiring no engine-beam.

When riding along a good road his position was precarious enough, requiring all his best efforts to maintain his balance.

So also is a rule requiring glass to be boxed though the distance may be short for carrying it.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


