noun as in jazz
Weak matches
Example Sentences
Ragtime, blues, country, jazz, soul, and rock and roll were all pioneered or inspired by black artists.
Ragtime was as sophisticated as Stravinsky, Van Vechten asserted, blues singer Clara Smith as sublime an artist as any opera diva.
But you can hear the blues in almost everything he played and sang, whether it be gospel, ragtime, marches, or nonsense songs.
You said yourself that you never hear this style of music—ragtime, jazz—on the radio anymore.
Years passed and I decided to upload a medley of these ragtime rock songs on YouTube, and that gained some traction.
There was a distinct predilection in favour of "ragtime" and I must say I liked to hear that music at frequent intervals.
He had all the new ragtime songs and dances, which he rendered to his own accompaniment on an old battered banjo.
She would sing; and her fresh young voice broke forth into ragtime song.
She had tried to induce her cousin to join her, but that young lady was absorbed in running over a new ragtime song.
A former age expressed itself in Gregorian chants; ours, no less sincerely, disguises its feelings in ragtime.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.