noun as in inquirer
Strongest matches
Weak match
Example Sentences
I lost count of how many questioners, after talks I gave on race in those days, asked about this.
Instead, says Peter Beinart, he told his questioners what they wanted to hear.
He told his questioners that he still did not believe his wife shot him.
Except, of course, for the parade of disgraced neocons who were among the questioners.
But his questioners will have bigger, more general suspicions in mind as well.
Certain of her questioners inquired why she called Charles Dauphin instead of giving him his title of King.
The detectives waved the questioners aside and hastened to the subway entrance.
When cross-examined by such questioners as M. Maspero the pyramids will tell us much.
“Dr Lane wants you,” said the Famulus, just in time to save the tired boys from their remorseless questioners.
The men were surrounded with eager questioners, but they had little to say.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.