noun as in quality control
Weak matches
Example Sentences
VH1 hosted a Twitter QA with Robin Thicke, an RB singer of irrefutably misogynistic nature, in late June.
A few days ago, Tumblr reached out to me: They were having a QA with the president about student loans.
“People have been feeding their kids that way for thousands for years,” she said at the BAM QA.
Every night before the show, he does a QA with the studio audience.
Fans will take part in a study group for the panel and QA session and see spoilers from its fifth season.
Design, linear: ta-tsir-qa-(t)sirqa face paint; dots: belly of yellow-hammer (red-shafted flicker, kukh).
The facts about the second dynasty, the kings after Qa, must now be studied.
If a man hires a wagon only, he shall pay 40 Qa of grain per day.
If a man hires an ox for threshing, 20 Qa of grain is its hire.
If he hires an ass for threshing, 10 Qa of grain is its hire.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.