noun as in anything small of its kind
Strong matches
Example Sentences
To make matters worse, the pygmy goat did not even belong to Thompson; it had been stolen from a 4-year-old boy.
Pygmy hippos are a distinct sub-species to their larger cousins the common hippopotamus.
With only a half million natives (and another half million foreign workers) Bahrain is a pygmy in Arab politics.
Reading Pygmy is like trying to do a crossword puzzle while riding a horse underwater.
“So corrupt, evil, vile American liberal culture, such United States pretension,” as Pygmy reports.
After entering the great primeval forest Mr. Lloyd went west for five days without the sight of a Pygmy.
He journeyed for three weeks in the Pygmy forest and had excellent opportunities for examining its inhabitants.
They are lacking, like the Pygmy races in general, in the art of chipping stone, one of the earliest arts acquired by man.
A large clearing may have eight to twelve of these Pygmy camps around it, with perhaps two thousand inmates.
He felt very much of a pygmy and very helpless as he scrambled about over the icy decks.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.