pulse rate
noun as in vital signs
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Example Sentences
Various studies have noted participants have significantly reduced pulse rates, decreased depression, fatigue, anxiety, and confusion post-forest bathing than after strolling in urban areas.
For example, baby monitors that track vitals can measure a baby’s pulse rate and blood oxygen levels via wearables like a sock or blanket wrap, or other non-wearable gadgets.
His pulse rate was now in the neighborhood of ten per second, which is a pretty good increase.
The pulse-rate of early infancy varies from 100 to 120, and is very easily hurried.
With a diurnal temperature successively less elevated above the normal standard there is a corresponding fall of the pulse-rate.
I slipped my clinical thermometer into his armpit and counted his pulse rate.
There is fever and acceleration of pulse rate and respirations.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.