public official
noun as in civil servant
Strongest match
Weak matches
noun as in government employee
Weak matches
noun as in notary
Weak matches
noun as in public servant
Strongest matches
Example Sentences
And two, that as a public official you can make tough choices, do the right things for the right reasons, and upset some people.
It was the first time that a Chinese public official acknowledged the existence of the tiger pelt trade within the country.
“A public official,” he added, “who accepts bribesis tantamount to a traitor” because they betray the trust of the public.
No public official in our time has been anywhere near his intellectual equal.
How rare for a high public official to say something so unequivocally true.
Thus, to import insanity or incompetency to a professional man, or that a public official is dishonest and corrupt is actionable.
He is a man of genuine worth, alert, energetic and progressive not only in his business connections but also as a public official.
As private citizen and public official he always strove to do his full duty.
No public official is appointed without receiving its visa, and it contrives even to elect the administrative officials.
A public official desires to be associated in people's minds with the department he actually controls.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.