privileged class
noun as in A list
noun as in beautiful people
noun as in cream of the crop
noun as in high society
Strongest match
Weak matches
noun as in jet set
Strongest matches
Example Sentences
Travel with lofty purpose really began when it was accessible only to a small and privileged class with unlimited time to travel.
Big as in the biggest spender of any outside group—all meant to protect the interests of unions, the new “ privileged class.”
Even more important was another privileged class—that of the Schutz-Jude (protected Jew).
The conquering race becomes a privileged class; those who are subjugated form a class of dependents who possess fewer rights.
It is so, we have no doubt, when committed by one of the common people upon any of the privileged class.
They were a privileged class, and must originally have been a rough breed who made fighting their vocation.
An unjust and privileged class above and an unwise and uneducated class beneath threaten it.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.