verb as in put off till later time
Strong matches
Example Sentences
To that end, the budget postpones federal phase-out of incandescent electric bulbs.
Another bailout merely postpones the reckoning, and throws good money after bad.
As Obama postpones a decision on Afghanistan, he should remember FDR's lessons: bring the country along.
I'm disposed to think that college only postpones the day of our awakening; we've got to shoot the chutes anyhow.
Accordingly he postpones marriage to a date in the indefinite future or abandons expectation of it altogether.
Sally's truthful nature postpones laughing at the Professor's absurdity; looks at the case on its merits.
She temporizes, postpones, and supplicates to have the period extended up to the close of the Eisteddfod.
At Mk xiii, 33-37, they come upon a section which Matthew postpones and which Luke has previously inserted.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.