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They want Marvin to be as mean and as lonely and as trashy as the characters he portrays.

Marriott, with its deep history in the Mormon faith, portrays itself as a deeply ethical institution.

A recent Pew Poll graphically likewise portrays the stark national divide, and the granular differences are gaping.

Some businesses are also promising to never market their products in a way that portrays children in a sexual manner.

Well, Hannah Horvath, the character Dunham created and portrays, makes horrible decisions.

It portrays Baudelaire as he is very little known, and as he was only at that particular time.

There is an ancient fable of sop about the Dog and the Wolf which portrays this sentiment in a very quaint and delightful manner.

His Socialistic bias is pronounced, but it does not interfere with the pictures that he portrays.

Portrays the moral customs of those who set the fashion in our present-day world.

The manners it describes have often ceased to exist; the types it portrays have disappeared, or have become changed.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


