political faction
noun as in splinter group
Example Sentences
“I have never evinced any interest at all” in which political faction wins, Greenwald told the audience of about 1,700.
By investing a political faction with a religious dimension the Tea Party presents a challenge to both religion and democracy.
They merely provide cover for whatever political faction News Corp. cares at the moment to manipulate.
This faction (the authors of the petition) are not confined to a theological sect, but are also a political faction.
Nor could the contents of the piece call out controversy or hostility from any political faction or religious following.
If you trained with the victorious political faction you either wore a star or had some one else who did wear a star backing you.
This division of opinion was characterised by the usual warmth of political faction, aggravated by personal anger.
I made acquaintance with educated people, and belonged to a political faction.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.