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adjective as in deceived

adjective as in rendered

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“I have to think her body type played a role,” said Rachel Greenblatt, a Lecturer in Jewish Studies at Harvard University.

Twin buglers played “Taps” and three police helicopters flew overhead in the missing-man formation.

As played by Omundson, King Richard is effeminate, sincere, and ten times funnier than everyone else.

Annie Lee Cooper, well played by Winfrey, is shown trying but failing to register to vote.

Nobody has to lecture me about how Sharpton has played racial politics in New York.

I called it a spinet, because it somewhat resembled that instrument, and was played upon in the same manner.

And then several hours at Liszt's, where one succession of concertos, fantasias, and all sorts of tremendous things are played.

Jean clung to his English nurse, who played the fascinating game of pretending to eat his hand.

Haggard merely played for the excitement, and Spunyarn because it was a lesser bore to play than to look on.

Though the amount played for is serious, a good deal of rather bald conversation and chaff goes on.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


