pea soup
noun as in cloud
Example Sentences
Close behind the bread service, another vanishing restaurant practice, is a little taste of soup, tonight a light split pea soup that acknowledges a cool evening.
Split pea soup usually isn’t the most glamorous, so Nourish columnist Ellie Krieger added leeks and a heaping handful of dill to freshen it up.
In her kitchen hangs a sign that advertises pea soup, which she used to feed Kerouac.
But now it all feels as foggy as pea soup and no one is happy.
This bold move has sent the heads of corporate America spinning and spewing pea soup.
You remember the other day we made pea soup perfectly plain.
For pea soup, four quarts, use a cupful of dried peas, yellow split peas.
A great many people put small squares of toast in the pea soup, but that softens at once.
Remember all those things give distinct flavors to the pea soup.
Excellent not a hull house, not a pea soup, no bill no care, no precise no past pearl pearl goat.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.