Example Sentences
These guys are full parasites, taking sugar, water, and minerals from the tree.
The guardians of yesteryear had become parasites, Cannadine wrote.
Yes, branding roughly half the nation as lazy, entitled parasites is impolitic.
Lifelong asthmatic Moises Velasquez-Manoff infected himself with parasites to improve his health.
A group of anti-monarchy protestors gathered in Montreal to heckle the young royals, holding up signs reading “Royal Parasites.”
Nuclei, basophilic granules, and all blood parasites are blue; erythrocytes are red or pink; eosinophilic granules, bright red.
Malarial parasites stain characteristically: the cytoplasm, sky-blue; the chromatin, reddish-purple.
Three varieties are associated with malarial fever in man—the tertian, quartan, and estivo-autumnal malarial parasites.
Here they enter red corpuscles as young malarial parasites, and the majority pass through the asexual cycle just described.
While the parasites are more easily found in stained preparations, the varieties are more easily differentiated in fresh blood.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.