

View definitions for paradoxes


noun as in contradiction, puzzle

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One of the most painful and confusing paradoxes of life today concerns our sensation of scarcity amid plenty.

Surely some of the paradoxes in Palmer can be credited as virtues.

From here on, he was a philosopher, a sage, and his interviews were stuffed full of dicta, parables and eternal paradoxes.

With the decanter and glass situations peacefully resolved, the eating and drinking commenced and the Soldera paradoxes continued.

"It's one of the paradoxes of Latin America that people defend a state that no longer works," says Schüler.

Even the paradoxes he indulged in, which sometimes irritated and sometimes amused us, bore the stamp of genius and thought.

It was the fashion at the moment to express life in paradoxes, and with a nice adjustment of commas and colons.

Time and again during the storm and stress of war this incident appeared as the greatest of paradoxes.

But the sixteenth century furnishes not a few paradoxes equally remarkable.

One of those paradoxes, those mysteries which Nature teems with, that are altogether beyond human comprehension.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


