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Did Fabby claim that Sharaf had given money to radical organizations or advocated overthrowing our government?

If only Charlton Heston had been there to shriek something about overthrowing our ape overlords.

First of all, I heard that they were the Communists, overthrowing all the governments in the world.

At first, the CIA brought him victories, overthrowing leftist governments in Iran in 1953 and Guatemala in 1954.

But the people can tout it as a remembrance of overthrowing a despised and brutal authority.

In their eyes, it was the Hellenic civilisation overthrowing the presumption of the Western barbarians.

He was the mere exponent of the purposes of his mother, until her son Alberic succeeded in 933 in overthrowing their authority.

The boy who was overthrowing religion breathed somewhat heavily as he did so.

Brutus led in overthrowing the tyranny of Tarquin the Proud and establishing a republic in Rome.

She aimed at overthrowing the present status quo in the Balkans, and establishing her own hegemony there.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


