open arms
noun as in access
noun as in entrée
noun as in entree
noun as in friendliness
noun as in glad hand
Weak matches
noun as in pleasantness
noun as in sociability
noun as in sociableness
Example Sentences
And under the guise of exercise there exists a community that welcomes them with open arms.
New Orleans leaders said the city was going to welcome the AFL All-Stars, which included 22 black players, with open arms.
Mike Huckabee was welcomed with open arms by CPAC attendees on Friday morning.
And running for reelection then, he can just run ads with Hillary Clinton welcoming swarthy illegals with open arms.
One of the ways he welcomes the reader with open arms is through humor.
The mere fact that Lessard was taking her about shows that these officers' women have received her with open arms.
Although greatly surprised, the Judge received Lawrence with open arms.
Mrs. Rushmere received the poor wanderer with open arms, and thought little of the additional trouble.
But consolation came at bedtime; Margaret received her with open arms when she went to wish her goodnight.
Victor Balaguer, exiled from his native country, was received with open arms by the Provençals.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.