verb as in see, notice
Strongest matches
detect, discover, examine, inspect, look at, mark, monitor, note, pay attention to, recognize, regard, scrutinize, study, view, watch, witness
Strong matches
beam, behold, catch, contemplate, dig, discern, distinguish, espy, flash, mind, perceive, read, spot, spy, survey
Weak matches
eagle-eye, eyeball, get a load of, get an eyeful of, keep an eye on, lamp, make out, pick up on, take in
verb as in comment, remark
Strong matches
Weak match
verb as in celebrate, commemorate
Example Sentences
We paddled out to where a knot of other kayakers were observing a humpback and her calf, which occasionally poked its head above water.
Five telescopes in space observed the flare on April 15, 2020.
After observing the sky from Palomar Observatory in California for 17 months, De and colleagues detected 12 nova explosions.
The officer statement recalls Springsteen “visibly swaying back and forth” when the officer observed his eyes, and taking “45 total steps instead of the instructed 18” during what’s known as a walk and turn test.
For many, providing seed and observing wild birds represents a rare pleasure during the pandemic.
Photos: Fury at the Ferguson Decision I had yet to be born to observe the events of Bloody Sunday on March 7, 1965.
Gays observe hetero-excitement over the lumbersexual with a weary eyeroll.
Instead, astronomers hope to observe planet formation in all its stages, each marking a phase in star and planet birth.
Some supporters keep pace, and others trail behind walking, there to observe Booker in the flesh more than for the cardio.
Mitchell said the cameras give administrators the ability to observe teachers in action and offer them tips and coaching.
Many so-called "humming tones" are given for practice, but in accepting them observe whether the foregoing principle is obeyed.
As the devil never wanted insinuators, I shall observe, that I learned a way how to make a man dream of what I pleased.
Yet I think if we observe closely we shall detect traces of a spontaneous impulse towards self-adornment.
The countess-dowager was not very adroit at spelling and composition, whether French or English, as you observe.
On his departure from the Alcazar, the warden thought it prudent to send a person to observe his movements.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.