nuclear weapon
noun as in atomic weapon
Example Sentences
Gorbachev proposed sweeping reductions in nuclear weapons if Reagan would constrain his missile defense plan, but Reagan balked.
We talk about how nuclear weapons kept the balance of mutually assured destruction between the Soviet Union and the United States.
It treated allies as threats and populists and dictators as potential friends, yet also demonstrated why no global agreement, whether on climate change, public health or nuclear weapons, can truly succeed without Washington.
However, spacing out the lines gives viewers the impression that vast swaths of the country are in the path of nuclear weapon components.
Levesque and others fear that nuclear waste may be intercepted and used to aid in the proliferation and development of nuclear weapons.
They are going to be close to getting a nuclear weapon because of this deal, this should matter to the American people.
Does anyone really think that Iran is not developing a nuclear weapon?
If they are allowed to obtain a nuclear weapon, the results would be catastrophic.
The senator has said: “Our national security is not threatened by Iran having one nuclear weapon.”
Israeli athlete: You will never be allowed to have a nuclear weapon.
If a nuclear weapon goes off, anywhere within a couple of thousand kilometers, the switches will also close.
Yet today the bomber, the missile, and the nuclear weapon form the backbone of our military posture.
Garson had long favored an all-out radiological attack, employing every nuclear weapon the country could muster.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.