noun as in unimportant person
Strongest match
Weak matches
Example Sentences
There was nobody that I read who was like, “This is just… whatever.”
Nobody ever says they want to become a cop so they can bust people for urinating in public or drinking alcohol on their stoop.
If nobody on the outside will send Teresa money, should she learn a prison hustle?
Unlike the characters he plays, men who came from nowhere and, as he himself puts it, “go home to nobody.”
Nobody terrified audiences with a smile as well as Lee Marvin.
He was aware that his act by this time, had helped nobody, had made no one happy or satisfied—not even himself.
When you engaged yourself to the young woman you were poor and a nobody, and the step was perhaps excusable.
Nobody else wanted Hugh Egerton's society, and he began to believe that this girl sincerely did want it.
And since nobody answered, Jolly Robin seemed to think he had silenced Mrs. Robin—for once.
Please understand that nobody here had the least intention of playing a trick upon you!
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.