Example Sentences
I was drawn to creating narwhals because they are so unique and mysterious that I felt a sighting would stimulate interesting conversations.
I also wanted them to appear to be swimming around the post, hence needing the entire form of the narwhal.
Those “unicorn horns” were actually narwhal tusks collected at sea.
Besides a few crumbs, it contained a small lump of narwhal blubber and a little packet.
Section, showing part of the timber of the ship Fame, where it was pierced by the narwhal in the South Seas, through 2½-inch oak.
And while she was busied with that work, the eagle would sometimes appear, with a walrus in one claw and a narwhal in the other.
The tow-line which Qasiagssaq was using to-day was furnished with toggles of pure narwhal tusk.
Like the other medium-sized whale in the same region, the beluga or white whale, the narwhal has no dorsal fin.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.