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much sooner

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But the impact of this change could come much sooner than 2016.

In any event, same-sex marriage is going to be permitted in California within the next 18 months, if not much sooner.

Remnants of the killer quake are popping up in Oregon—much sooner than expected.

It was not for lack of trying that bin Laden was not killed or captured much sooner.

Five years from now—perhaps much sooner—they will cease to matter at all in the mobile market.

I found it on all occasions extremely sensible, and very often to predict a change of wind much sooner than the barometer.

This reinforcement, so much sooner than expected, greatly elated Major Powell.

Algitha pointed out that in most lives the limit occurred much sooner.

If pushed rapidly with proper food, they will of course be ripe much sooner than if stinted.

I don't pretend to be sorry for her, and I am thankful to have been released from misery so much sooner than I deserved.


From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.


