mountain man
noun as in wilderness dweller
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American settlers had been nosing around for decades—mountain men, fur trappers, scouts and surveyors.
Her type was either pretty boy or mountain man, “and not much in between.”
He said he knew one Mountain Man who got himself a young “hippie gal,” and they went to the woods and it turned out fine.
Now jist why can't this mountain man take ninety dollars in folding money offen me and cut out all this bankin' stuff.
If there should occur on the heels of the first tragedy a second, traceable to a mountain man, the fat would be in the fire.
To a Kentucky mountain man, nothing is better than a good juicy bear steak.
This same bully threatened that when a certain mountain man came to town he would "finish him."
It was easy to see why she was the "White Rose" to the rough old mountain man.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.